After Hours Access

Tenant Access

Tenants need to have an active card key to access the building after hours.  You will also need the key to your suite for entry.  Security is not permitted to allow anyone access to the building who does not have an active card key until they have received authorization.  In the event that a tenant forgets his/her card key the guard will call the After Hours Contact for your company to get authorization.  However, Security does not have keys to occupied tenant suites; they are only able to grant access to the building and floor

Visitor Access

Tenants should provide access to their visitors.

In order to provide after-hours access to an individual who is not an employee, tenants must provide Security and/or the Building Management Office with notification at least 24 hours in advance stating the individual has permission to enter the building and the tenant’s suite. If there is no one in the tenant’s suite to escort the individual, the tenant will need to provide a key.